
(The “My Tray” function allows you to check the total price, total nutritional value, and nutritional balance information of multiple selected items.
You can add food items to “My Tray” by clicking the “Add to My Tray” button in the product information.)

(※Personal settings are required to use the “My Tray” function.)
※マイトレー情報・アレルギー設定・パーソナル設定・いいね! 情報はお使いの端末にCookieで保存されます。
(※My Tray information, allergy settings, personal settings, and “Like! information will be stored in a cookie on your device.)

栄養表示の見方について(How to Read Nutritional Labeling)

【表示項目の説明】(Item Description)

エネルギー量(単位:kcal)(Energy(Unit: kcal))基礎代謝量と運動量で必要量が決まります。生協食堂では、1日必要エネルギーの85%を食事から摂ることを提案しています。
(Your basal metabolic rate and the amount of exercise you do determine the amount you need. The Co-op cafeteria suggests that 85% of your daily energy requirements come from food.)
タンパク質(単位:g)(Protein(unit: g) )筋肉や臓器など、身体を構成する要素です。
(The building blocks of the body, such as muscles and organs.)
脂 質(単位:g)(Fat(unit: g))細胞膜の成分や、ホルモンの材料になります。
(A component of cell membranes and a material for hormones.)
炭水化物(単位:g)(Carbohydrates(unit: g))身体の主要なエネルギー源です。
(The body’s main source of energy.)
食塩相当量(単位:g)(Salt equivalent (unit: g))麺類、煮物等は、汁も含めた量を表示しています。
(The amount of salt in noodles, stewed dishes, etc. is shown including the amount of soup.)
カルシウム(単位:mg)(Calcium (unit: mg))歯や骨の主要な構成成分です。
(A major component of teeth and bones.)
野菜量(単位:g)(Vegetable content (unit: g))緑黄色野菜とその他の野菜の合計量です。いも類、きのこ類は含みません。
(This is the total amount of green and yellow vegetables and other vegetables. Does not include potatoes and mushrooms.)
(単位:㎎)(Iron (unit: mg))血液中の赤血球の材料になるミネラルです。
(Iron is a mineral that is used to make red blood cells in the blood.)
ビタミンA(単位:㎍RAE)(Vitamin A (unit: ㎍RAE))目・皮膚・粘膜を正常に保つ働きをするビタミンです。
(A vitamin that helps maintain normal eyes, skin, and mucous membranes.)
ビタミンB1(単位:㎎)(Vitamin B1 (unit: mg))糖質をエネルギーに変える働きをするビタミンです。
(This vitamin converts carbohydrates into energy.)
ビタミンB2(単位:㎎)(Vitamin B2(mg))細胞の再生を促し、皮膚や粘膜の健康維持を助けるビタミンです。脂質の代謝にも大切です。
(This vitamin promotes cell regeneration and helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes. It is also important for lipid metabolism.)
ビタミンC(単位:㎎)(Vitamin C (unit: mg))皮膚や粘膜の健康維持に役立つビタミンです。またストレスへの抵抗を高めます。
(This vitamin helps maintain healthy skin and mucous membranes. It also improves resistance to stress.)

【栄養表示(充足率)】Nutrition Labeling (Sufficiency Ratio)

(The nutrition label (sufficiency ratio) allows you to check how much of the recommended amount of energy and nutrients in one meal, based on your age (18-29 years old), gender, and physical activity level, is covered by the energy and nutrient values in the selected menu (sufficiency ratio). The percentage of sufficiency is based on the nutritional information provided by the University Co-op and the “Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 2020)”

【充足率の算出方法】Definition of sufficiency ratio

(Based onthe “Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 2020)” and other guidelines, the following index values are used for each age group (18-29 years old) by sex and physical activity level to calculate the sufficiency ratio of the University Co-op menu in terms of energy and nutrient content.
The guideline value for one meal is 37.5%* of the Daily Dietary Reference Intakes.
*If the daily distribution is breakfast:lunch:dinner = 1:1.5:1.5, the standard amount per meal = 1.5/4 x 100 = 37.5% because the University Co-op cafeteria is used for lunch and dinner in a high proportion.)

推定エネルギー必要量(Estimated Energy Requirement)
厚生労働省「日本人の食事摂取基準(2020年版)」では、エネルギー収支バランスの維持を示す指標として、BMIが採用されています。表示される数値は、「日本人の食事摂取基準(2020年版)」にある「参考表 推定エネルギー必要量」を採用し、参考値として提供しています。
(”Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare 2020)” uses BMI as an indicator to show maintenance of energy balance.The values displayed are provided as reference values, adopting the “Reference Table Estimated Energy Requirements” in the “Dietary Reference Intakes for Japanese (2020)”.)
目標量(Target amount)
(13% of energy requirements according to age (18-29 years) by gender and physical activity level)
目標量(Target amount)
(28% of energy requirements according to age (18-29 years) by gender and physical activity level)
(Carbo Hydrate)
目標量(Target amount)
(59% of energy requirements according to age (18-29 years) by gender and physical activity level)
(Salt equivalent)
目標量(未満)(Target amount (less than))
推奨量(Recommended amount)
(Vegetable Content)
目標量(Target amount)
(Calculated based on the “Healthy Japan 21” target daily intake of 350g per adult.)

推奨量(Recommended amount)
(Vitamin A)
推奨量(Recommended amount)
(Vitamin B1)
推奨量(Recommended amount)
(Vitamin B2)
推奨量(Recommended amount)
(Vitamin C)
推奨量(Recommended amount)
