Here’s what University Co-op Cafeteria cares about.
(*Some Co-ops do not support certain activities.)
安心の食材を使用Ingredients you can feel good about
(Our ingredients are selected and processed according to criteria in the following categories, so you can eat with peace of mind.)

(In establishing the same food ingredient adoption standards for the University Co-op Business Union in the East 4 and West 2 Regions, effective March 2023, we have reviewed and changed our food ingredient adoption standards.)
(For specific changes, please click here.)
Providing inexpensive, high quality menus with nutritional value
- 主食、主菜、副菜、汁物と組み合わせてバランス良く食べられるメニュー
(Well-balanced menus that combine staple foods, main dishes, soups and side dishes)
- 学生対応(ハラール推奨メニュー)
(Supporting student needs (Halal recommended menu))
メニュー情報の提供Providing menu information
- 学食情報サイト「学食どっとコープ」で栄養価、組合せ提案などの情報を提供
(Providing nutritional value, menu combinations and other information on University cafeteria information site Cafeteria Dot Co-op)
- 「大学生協アプリ」の食堂利用履歴から食堂の利用頻度や栄養価が確認できます。
(You can check the frequency of cafeteria use and nutritional values from the cafeteria usage history on the University Co-op App.)
食の大切さを考えるReflect on the importance of food in your life
- 「食生活相談会」等で栄養士がアドバイス
(Nutritionists guide you with advice at Eating Habit Consultations)
- 組合員参加による食材産地との交流・産地支援
(Co-op members interact with and support food-growing areas)
組合員の声を生かしてLeveraging members’ voices
- 組合員参加のメニュー開発
(Creating menus with the help of Co-op members)
- ひとりひとりの意見・要望に応える運営
(Responding to each member’s opinions and needs)
栄養価の見方Viewing nutritional value
栄養バランスのとり方How can you get a right nutrition balance?
(Choose foods according to the right nutrition combination balancing rule. The recommended daily dietary intake amount for each nutrient is calculated based on the daily dietary intake guideline prescribed for Japanese (sex: male or female, age: 18-29, physical activity level: I-III).)
メニューカードの見方Viewing the Menu Card
(*Click to enlarge image.)