
CookieについてAbout Cookies

(A cookie is a function that allows a customer’s computer (PC, smartphone, tablet, or other Internet-capable device) to store the customer’s website browsing information.)

(Cookies include those set by this site (first-party cookies) and those set by third parties affiliated with this site (third-party cookies).)

Cookieの利用目的Purpose of Use of Cookies

((1) This website uses cookies to improve customer convenience, such as by eliminating the need for customers to repeatedly enter the same information when browsing the website.)

((2) This website may use the information collected through the use of cookies to analyze your use of the website (access status, traffic, routing, etc.) to improve the performance of the website itself and to improve and enhance the services provided to you.)

(In addition, the following tools are primarily used in this analysis and information may be provided to the tool providers.)

Google Analytics

((3) In addition, cookies may be used for the delivery of behavioral targeting advertisements by affiliated ad-serving service providers.)

Cookieの拒否方法How to reject cookies

((1) How to reject all cookies It is possible for customers to disable cookies by changing their browser settings. However, some services may not be available if cookies are disabled. Please contact the manufacturer of your browser for information on how to change cookie settings.)

((2) How to reject specific cookies
Please contact each company for information on how to stop the provision of information to ad-serving service providers. You can also check the URLs of the main ad-serving companies listed below.)

グーグル株式会社およびGoogleネットワークGoogle Inc. and Google Network
